Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tell us about your time at camp!

It is hard to believe that another summer has come and gone already! What an amazing season at Nagiwa, with many records broken!!

1. Most campers ever!
2. Most fish caught in a week - over 200!
3. Most times one counselor found the Nagiwa-wa - 6 times!
4. Most mustache-y meal!

It has been a great time of memories, and before those memories fade too much, we need you to tell us how we did!

As a Y camp, Nagiwa works to provide the best program possible. One way we do this is by collecting survey details from all of our families. THAT MEANS YOU!

As an added incentive, by completing the survey you are entered into a draw for a Free week at Nagiwa in 2011!!

By completing the survey, everyone wins! We gain more feedback, you get a better program, and you may even get a free week at camp! So what are you waiting for? Click on the link and get started!

Y Camp Survey 2010

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Something for everyone

As our fourth season of camp comes to a close, I have been thinking about how lucky I am to have our exceptional staff team. It is amazing to think that so many unique talents and skills come together to form a great group of counselors.

Thinking about the variety of strengths in my counselors also leads me to think about the unique strengths in all our cool and crazy campers! We have campers come from all sorts of backgrounds and with many different interests. We have canoers, kayakers, swimmers, firebuilders, hemp makers, rock climbers, dancers, and singers. There are campers here with all sorts of different abilities, and it is so cool that Nagiwa is a place that all these unique interests can shine. Check out some of our great talents!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Reflections on leadership

It is the first night of our last session of camp for 2010. I can't believe that the month has flown by so quickly. Coming to the end of the season leads me to look back over the past three weeks, and to think of the change and growth that we've been so lucky to witness at Camp Nagiwa.

One group that particularly amazed me was our LITs (Leaders In Training). All seven of our LITs grew incredibly throughout the three week program, by pushing themselves past their comfort zones and accomplishing so much. From early morning swims to full days of canoe instruction, they came away from their LIT experience with some stellar technical skills. On top of skill instruction, they also wrestled with what it meant to be a leader, and what it looked like for each individual. The LITs were given a chance to put their leadership into practice on LIT Day. This was a day where the LITs were in charge. From running our evening program, scheduling Go time, to running annoucements - they did a great job!

After the first two weeks of sessions at camp, our LITs headed off into the wilderness for an unforgettable canoe trip. The energy that they had when they returned was contagious. I loved hearing their stories of long portages, delicious trip food, and all the challenges they overcame while on trip!

Camp is such a unique place where our campers are given opportunities to be leaders, and the freedom for them to discover how they can uniquely contribute to their communities. I'm so proud of you LITs - thanks for all the memories!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ships Ahoy!

Last night we played a fun new game of Pirate's Treasure! After supper all of us gathered at the swim dock, where we watched the good pirates run from the bad pirates in sailboats.

After all that excitement, we learned that we had to search around camp in our cabin groups to find the treasure and return it to the good pirates. Not as easy as it sounds! The good pirates needed to make sure they could trust us by having us do tasks to earn the treasure, and the bad pirates tried to distract us with riddles!

Here are some of the pirates in action!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Cucumbers and cattails...

What a beautiful day at Camp Nagiwa! It was a little cloudy at first, but things cleared up just in time for our first morning of Individual Program Choices (IPCs). With such a busy camp session, we have some full IPC groups for activities like kayaking, canoeing, fishing, wall climbing, and Into the Wild!

This morning one of the Into the Wild groups went on a nature hike and discovered all sorts of edible plants right here at camp! They learned about cattails, and that the end of cattails tastes like cucumber. How cool is that?!

Camp is such a great place for discovery, and I'm excited to think of all the other discovery that will happen this week!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

We won't let the rain get us down!

What a great start to session 3! There is so much excitement at Camp Nagiwa!

This week marks our biggest session of campers since Camp Nagiwa opened in 2007. There is so much energy as campers run around, do their swim tests, and work on learning each other's names.

Through the rain, the energy keeps growing! As I write this, campers are running around camp trying to capture the opposing team's Nagiwa-Wa. It has been an eventful game, with a lot of victories!

I am looking forward to tonight's campfire as well. We are so fortunate to have a beautiful building to meet in when it gets rainy, so that we can sing together while staying dry.

Hope you are also enjoying your refreshing rainy evening!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Trying something new...

Here at Camp Nagiwa we have a really cool tradition. At the end of every session, we sit together as a camp community and come up with some challenges to leave for the next group of campers. The Camp Director then shares these challenges with the next group during our first night campfire.

And so, according to tradition, I shared Session 1's challenges for our Session 2 group at the end of campfire last night. One of my favourite challenges put forward for this week was "Try something you wouldn't normally do". This is such an important part of camp, where we have an opportunity to try all sorts of new things in a safe place.

This got me thinking about the new stuff that I have tried while at camp. As a camper I learned to canoe, kayak, and wall climb. Some of the most significant new experiences I had at camp were on canoe trips, where I cooked over a fire, packed up camp, and even paddled down rapids. Now that I'm a camp director, I still have lots of new things to try. Last week, I had the chance to go sailing for the very first time! Two of our star sailors, "The A Team", took me out for a quick ride on the lake. They were great instructors, and I got to try something new, thanks to their generosity! Thanks guys!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

It's a Beautiful Day at Camp Nagiwa!

Every morning we gather at the flagpole before breakfast to officially start the day. We start every morning by announcing "Good morning! It's a beautiful day at camp Nagiwa!" and then the whole camp responds with "Good Morning Ruth!". It is my favourite part of every day!

At our morning flagpole we also choose a Cabin of the Day who gets to choose our Quote of the Day and our Debate Topic for supper.

Today's cabin of the day is Cabin 1, and they have presented us with a very challenging debate topic:
Ninjas vs. Vikings

That is tricky, I'm still not sure which side I'm on!

Breakfast was eggs and bacon this morning- so delicious, a lot of us had seconds.

Now we just started our first IPC period of the morning. The "Into the Wild" group are going on a Colours of the Rainbow scavenger hunt. It looks like a blast- they have been given the colours of the rainbow, and they get to find different things in nature that match those colours!

Looking forward to another beautiful day on Lake Rosseau!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Week One is Well Under Way!

What a jam packed, adventure filled we have had so far!
In the last couple of days we have settled into the routine of Camp Nagiwa. Our Morning Dips have been well attended, even our fearless Camp Director has been up every morning!

After breakfast our campers are busy learning in their Individual Program Choice (IPC) periods. We have many campers on the water gaining expertise in kayaking, canoeing, and sailing. Our Leadership participants are working away at their ORCKA canoeing certifications, and lifeguarding qualifications.
We also have folks learning the skills of campcraft in "into the wild", climbing, fishing, and playing sports. There is so much to learn, and so little time!

After lunch we are busy in our cabin group activities. Each cabin group worked together on our first day to choose how they wanted to spend their time. This way, our campers get to be part of the programming! They have come up with some great afternoon ideas, like arts & crafts, frog catching, and playing "Pirates!" in canoes.

Needless to say, we are keeping busy and having a blast at Camp Nagiwa!

Staff Camp Reflections

Wow, hard to believe that it is already half way through our first week at Camp Nagiwa for 2010! Time sure does fly when you're having fun.
Before welcoming our first group of campers, we enjoyed a week of Staff Camp. This was a great opportunity for our exceptional counselors to get some training and prepare to welcome many campers to Lake Rosseau for the summer.
Of course, we also managed to find a lot of opportunities to play! We had a blast playing some wacky dodgeball, paddling along the lake, and of course- we also took part in a Staff Slip N Slide. We had a blast!
Here is a look at some of the fun we had during staff Camp...

Friday, May 14, 2010

Stones in the City!

Tomorrow afternoon, everyone is welcome to join us- as we play Stones in the City!

Saturday May 15th

Meet at the Guelph Y. From here we will walk to a nearby park.

This is a great opportunity for returning campers to reconnect, and new campers to get a little taste of Nagiwa.

Looking forward to it!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Nagiwa's new blog

Thanks for checking out our blog!

Camp Nagiwa will be welcoming staff for our staff training week on June 28th. Once we settle in to our site for the summer, we will regularly update this blog with stories and pictures from our adventures at camp.

Until then, if you have any questions, you can check out our website

Or email us

Looking forward to a great summer!